Bolt problems with Armada .25

I just got a new Armada 25 and right away I noticed issues with the bolt:

1: The bolt requires a lot more force to cock back after each shot. I’m wondering if anyone else who owns one has similar issues with the bolt or spring?

2: The bolt when fully cocked back pertrudes slightly into the gap, preventing the magazine from being loaded. You have to then cock it back with one hand, hold, then insert magazine. I’ve read on another thread this is a confirmed issue.

Customer support couldnt answer so I’d appreciate any help. Many thanks

Both things are normal. I don’t know why they did that. The gen1 marauder was not engineered like that and the magazines were easily inserted with one hand and no tugging back on the bolt. 
You can file a small groove into the magazine that will let the magazine be inserted and removed easily with one hand. You do NOT want to sand away at the bolt face to make it clear the magazine. This will cause the bolt to not seat the pellet all the way forward of the transfer port and you will never have good results. 

Pnwairgunner-thank you so much you saved me a lot of trouble. I managed to figure everything out, I just have two remaining issues;

1: Sometimes after taking a shot the bolt angles down and gets stuck. I have to rotate it and pull back hard to unlatch it. Is this normal?

2: My trajectory seems to be going left from center. I tried adjusting the scope but theres been no change, still angling left. Do you have any recommendations on how to fix this with the stick scope? Should i invest in another scope?

Thank you again