So Ive been out of airgunning for about 8 months. I got injured and just now starting to get back into it. My goto cheapie pellet was the Crossman Premier Hollowpoint 500 .22 cal for $5 all day long on Amazon. Now it's $11 WTF??? It's litterly more than doubled in less than a year. Crazy. I'm about out and looking for a good deal on these or a good replacement.
I have had good experience up to about 50 yds or so and that's where I do a lot of shooting but man it got really expensive. Two questions
1) What is a good cheap alternative to the old Crossman Premier HP's?
2) Where can I find the best deals out there on cheap but good pelltes. .I'm interested in .22
Thanks and happy shooting.
I have had good experience up to about 50 yds or so and that's where I do a lot of shooting but man it got really expensive. Two questions
1) What is a good cheap alternative to the old Crossman Premier HP's?
2) Where can I find the best deals out there on cheap but good pelltes. .I'm interested in .22
Thanks and happy shooting.