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Tally to date, chippers and tree rats.

Wow... (heavy sigh)

I only pest to protect my property. I don't kill simply for the sake of killing.

In my opinion, you have taken it too far and to call what you described above as "pesting", seriously makes me a little sick.

I call them as I see them...


These rats with wings are a declared pest. They have invaded the city, causing widespread and very expensive damage, especially to historic buildings.

This (small) city spends tens of thousands of dollars every year to reduce their numbers.... 😞

Got my first Chipmunk of this season. Head shot from the side through the left eye and out the right side of the head behind the right eye.

Approximately 14-15 yards.

Sorry, no pics.

I believe it was DRT, but it flopped around enough that I had to use a stick to get it out from under my wood pile.

It was fairly dark when I shot it, so I had to back off from max zoom so I could see and my flip-phone camera would not have been able to take a good pic.

Anyway, nice to know that I can still make precision shots since I don't get many chances to shoot these days due to lack of targets and my failing health.
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Dang things are digging holes all around my foundation. I killed quite a few last year but I haven't had a shot yet this Spring. Good shooting!
I was really diligent going after Tree rats for the last five years and have brought them down to where I rarely see them in my yard, let alone have a safe shot.

The same for the Chippers, but I only started really targeting them about 3 or 4 years ago.

Although I do miss having LOTS of shot opportunities, my goal was to eliminate the problems associated with these pests.

So, my advice is to go after the chippers this year without mercy. It is the only way I have found that actually works to control them.

And... it is a lot of fun as long as you still have targets. (grin)

Thanks for the reply!
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I took my bird feeders down because we were getting overrun with them. I'm still seeing holes so I know there are some still around. I might have to put a feeder back up in a spot I can see it and get off a shot before they bolt.
Stalk those holes. They WILL be back to them. Also, as much as you have time to do it, look for their paths and where they feel safe. My wood pile and the neighbor's A/C unit are places that they seem to feel safe. When I see them, I set up my "improvised rest" with the garbage can, etc., light a cigar and wait.

If the chippers think they can hide or escape in a hole quickly, they will get bold... or careless and you WILL end up with a shot. Usually they will sit very still in this situation because they think they can escape if they sense danger.

I have taken most of the chippers like this. If they are digging under your foundation and you have a crawl space, then you probably have them in the crawl space if not inside the house.

Good luck and have no mercy!
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I love that "have no mercy"! 32 tree rats for the year and another one moved in the elm tree out front.

LOL! If you really want to eradicate them, then you have to have that attitude! (smile)

Got up at daylight this morning because some birds were making a lot of noise via my security camera.

It was mostly Grackles and a few Starlings, so I started to get set up and as soon as I opened the sniper window, they scattered.

But, I noticed a tree rat digging a hole in the backyard... #22 for the year.

I decided to wait and see if the Starlings would come back... they never did.

However, when I went to the sniper window to close it, a chipmunk ran from under the window and stopped about 5 yards from it.

So... guess what I did?

Yep, even though I am sighted in at ~28 yards and the scope only focuses down to about 10 yards, I took the shot, OFF HAND and nailed it.

The "OFF HAND" part may not mean much to some, but since I pest more than 99% of the time using a rest of some sort (all improvised) it is a big deal for me. Not to mention that my hold over was a total guess since I never ever shoot at ~5 yards! (smile)

Went in just behind left shoulder and came out just behind right cheek.

So that is 22 tree rats and 2 chippers for the year.

This day has started off really nice! (grin)
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Got 2 more chippers since my last post. One was at my neighbor's A/C unit. The sound of the hit (~13-14 yards) told me I hit it good, but it made it back down the burrow hole before expiring. I know it expired because of the flies collecting about the hole 2 days later.

The second chipper was on top of my wood pile. After I noticed it and brought out my setup for the garbage can rest, it was still there, but only presented the upper portion of its head as a target. I took the shot. In the left eye and blew out most of the right side of the head. I wish I had taken a pic... FX 10.3 pellet at ~780fps.

So, the count is 22 tree rats and 4 chippers so far.

Seeing more tree rats and chippers in the general area, so I am checking everyday, several times a day.

Have no mercy!
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Got 2 more chippers since my last post. One was at my neighbor's A/C unit. The sound of the hit (~13-14 yards) told me I hit it good, but it made it back down the burrow hole before expiring. I know it expired because of the flies collecting about the hole 2 days later.

The second chipper was on top of my wood pile. After I noticed it and brought out my setup for the garbage can rest, it was still there, but only presented the upper portion of its head as a target. I took the shot. In the left eye and blew out most of the right side of the head. I wish I had taken a pic... FX 10.3 pellet at ~780fps.

So, the count is 22 tree rats and 4 chippers so far.

Seeing more tree rats and chippers in the general area, so I am checking everyday, several times a day.

Have no mercy!

Got one more chipper at my neighbor's A/C unit early this morning. ~13 yards, went in the right shoulder and came out the left hip as far as I could tell.

No blood, no death dance, good heart shot and DRT. I would have taken a pic, but there was really nothing to see. In fact, I had a hard time finding the entry wound.

~780fps using FX 10.34 pellets.

So still 22 tree rats and now 5 chippers.

Have NO mercy!

Happy birthday to me! (chuckle)
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Make that 23 tree rats and 5 chippers.

Got a young tree rat at ~35 yards today. It was up in a tree about 40-45 feet up laying on a small branch and facing away from me. The left side was exposed for the shot.

The wind has been very high today, so I took a chance and made a test shot at a tree trunk to verify wind drift, hoping that would not scare the tree rat from its perch.

If didn't and the drift was about 1 inch to the left.

The rest is history. Tree rat dropped, DRT. No blood and no death dance. Pellet went in on left side in the ribs and did not exit.

Perfect heart shot as far as I can tell.

Again, nothing I could show you with pics so I didn't take any.
Add one more chipper for me today. 15 yards at my wood pile. Missed the first shot because I forgot that I didn't need holdover at 15 yards... (chuckle)

However, this scrawny young chipper didn't leave and gave me his head for a target. Went in left eye and out behind right eye.

Went inside to get my phone for a pic, only to come out and see the neighbor's cat carrying it away. (smile)

I think she has learned to come looking when she hears me shoot, if she is close by.

23 tree rats and 6 chippers to date.
Well, make it 8 chippers to date, and I should have had one more today, but the power sewer auger arrived just as I was setting up for another chipper I saw at the wood pile.

I am tired. Running a 100 foot power auger/snake nearly 90 feet, 3 times took its toll on my energy level.

Anyway, I expect to have #9 tomorrow or the next day. Already had to fill in the first chipper hole at my A/C in several years.

This is WAR!

Have NO mercy!

Due to lack of interest, I haven't taken any pics lately. The ONLY reason why I would take a pic is to post it here. I know... without pics it didn't happen...? (chuckle)

Oh well, I know and that is all that counts. (grin)
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Well, I thought I had a chance at that 9th chipper, but as it seems to be more commonly these days...

As soon as I was set up for the kill at my wood pile, a neighbor decided to mow their lawn.

At least now I can wash clothes, poop, and use water as needed since I snaked the sewer yesterday! (YES!/Big Grin/Smile))

If you haven't ever experienced a truly clogged sewer, then you don't know what you are missing... (chuckle)
OK, it didn't happen without pictures...

Here is Chipper number 15 from just minutes ago.

Shot was ~15+/- yards and the Chipper was facing me relatively head on.

Shot went in the bridge of the nose (dark spot, hard to see in the last photo), caused the right eye to bulge out and blood to emerge from the right ear.

There was no exit and the Chipper was DRT. I suspect this is another perfect head/heart shot. Other than the right ear, there was no blood.

.177 Benjamin Fortitude Gen2 using FX 10.3 pellets at approximately 770fps. See my signature... (smile)






Add 1 more Chipper, so...

24 - Tree rats
16 - Chippers

Sorry no pics and at least 2 of the pics in my last post apparently never made it through... sigh
Just a quick update:

41 Tree rats
29 Chipmunks

There have also been a few Starlings, but I don't keep track of those anymore.

My Bluebirds and Hummingbirds are doing well and amazing to watch. Bluebirds are on their second batch. First was 3 and this time it is 5.
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Just curious what legal reason prevents you from taking/posting pics of squirrels, but allows the same for chipmunks. Please share.
Possibly shot out of season? Grey squirrels are protected and can only be bagged during the small game season. Red squirrels are considered a pest species here, no limits on the take. In both cases in NYS hunting license required.
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