Fox Hunting Tips???

So here is the dirty low down. I have a fox getting into my hen house. He has taking out about half my flock in a little over two months. The only equipment I have is a laser designator. No other night equiptment. I have made a fox whistle. Any bait that I should be using or any tips that I should know? I have never hunted fox before. 

I will be using my Airforce Escape SS in .25 caliber. 

Thanking ya'll in advance.

I bait them with table scraps so that they have to stand in one place to eat. I do not use a squirrel or a rabbit or something else that they can just pick up and run away and eat elsewhere. The last fox I took was sitting on her butt while eating my table scraps. One shot well placed was an easy task that didn't need to be rushed. I took her with a heart/lung shot to make it quick, lethal, and sure. She only ran 25 yards before the end.

I use an Airforce Condor in .25 cal and 37 gr. hollow point slugs. My scope is an ATN X Sight II in night mode in pitch darkness. I also use infrared flood lights to illuminate the kill zone all around.

With the X Sight II in night mode, there is a 1/3 to 1/2 second delay between real time and what you actually see in the scope. That's why it is essential to force the fox to take a stationary bait that must be eaten in place. That requires the fox to remain stationary longer than the delay of the X Sight II. To hit a fast moving fox on the run with a squirrel in his mouth requires the shooter to lead the fox at least 1/3rd to 1/2 second. In most cases, this means the shooter must lead the fox so far that the fox isn't even seen in the scope when the shot is fired. Placing a lethal shot in such circumstances is by chance only, not to mention extremely dangerous and ill-advised. But if the fox can be lured into a stationary posture over a bait that he cannot simply run away with, it's like taking candy from a baby.

That's my offering

Well so far nothing! They haven't come around the past couple nights. I have been leaving my barn light on so I can see enough to shoot. I also have been leaving food in the lit area. I think they will come around in a day or two. Can anyone confirm that? Trail camera verifies that they haven't come around. I will be moving my traps further out in the wooded area. 

I hope I am not getting out foxed! Pun intended!!!
I don't know where you live but maybe the extra baiting will draw in more predators. (could be fun) but not what you want. I would go to Harbor freight and get a driveway alarm. Like $10.00 This way you just keep the gun close by, watch tv and when you hear the beep.... lock and load and get him. Also he may be afraid with the light on. Give him time to get adjusted to it. Good luck. Let us know.
I want to thank everyone for emasculating me by showing me your kills of foxes. Lol. Anyone want to take it further and tell me about the time you took a fox with a blowgun? Lol. 

Yes I am being out foxed by the fox. There are three of them by the way. I call them and they come but not close enough. Taunting me! When I have the barn light on they don't come around at all. When it's out they don't come close enough. 

I think I am going to get another trap and maybe I can trap them. 

I was able to get a shot off last night but pulled it. So he just pranced off. Yes pranced like a gloating ballerina in the night. 
Well while out walking the property today I stumbled upon this critter. Turns out I didn't miss after all. Although This must have been my shot from the other day. I had lined up my cross hairs and squeezed the trigger and I saw here bolt off so I figured I missed her. she was about 30 yards from where I took my shot.. Next time I will scout around after I shoot. I was hoping to mount her or at least get her pelt. Oh well there are two more out there. They are the cubs.

Thanks for all your tips. 
