YouTube rules help!

I may not be a lot of help, but I've posted a dozen or more videos with no graphic hunting warning and many slow motion graphic head shots. It may depend on the type of channel and exposure, but I have not been warned or censored. The information you glean from this post might help me also, so I look forward to reading as others with different experiences chime in. 
"Bwalton"I have almost a million views with some peta traffic but not one warning or complaint except to me directly.
Same here. Near a million views and occational anti-hunter trolls but no complaints by youtube. In fact youtube is actually Johnny-on-the-spot for me if I complain about someone else. A few times I've found users in Turkey ripping off my videos with graphic hunting content as their own (and my guns as Hatsans) and youtube will take them down almost immediately when I file a complaint. The youtube moderators likely review my videos when those occurances happen to confirm the videos are my content. Youtube likes the ad revenue from hunting companies methinks. When Ted got into trouble with some of his early videos he was still a pioneer of scope cam videos and youtube hunting culture wasn't very developed. 
Before You blow them off .Ask what editing can be done to the video to make it acceptable to them and what You have to do to prevent future problems .18 age restrictions or unlisted vids may open more doors .remember it is their house and we have to play by their rules.They do have the remote control in their hands and will not hesitate to cut 
You off .Stan
Sure its their site and they can ban what they want. Doesn't make is right. Its not even consistent. They allow a torrent of cussing, sex, vulgarity, human on human violence, whatever, but somehow shooting squirrels is too violent. Typical liberal hypocrisy. I don't mind a warning or age restriction, but I won't allow them to dictate to me that I edit out twitching or whatever the animal does upon brain-death. That's not just editing my video, that's trying to edit life. Furthermore that's typically what the kind of people who run Youtube do. They try to make you conform to their anti-hunting, anti-gun views and expect you to bow down to them when they demand it because they think they have power over you. That's why a certain presidential candidate is running so hot right now. He stands up to media corporations like Youtube and doesn't let their disdain bother him. 

Here's the deal. I can walk away from my channel. If anything leaving the channel will just let me be a better killer because I don't have to fool with filming. The antis will gain nothing. More animals will die if I'm not filming than if I am. I love my channel, but I love hunting more. I won't try to sterilize it because of some financial or social need for Youtube or the internet to give me a blessing. I will meet someone in the middle, but I won't come crawling to all the way where they are. If they expect compromise from me, I also expect it from them. I doubt they'll over me anything except an order to not show twitching after a shot. I won't comply with that. 
"plinker"I may not be a lot of help, but I've posted a dozen or more videos with no graphic hunting warning and many slow motion graphic head shots. It may depend on the type of channel and exposure, but I have not been warned or censored. The information you glean from this post might help me also, so I look forward to reading as others with different experiences chime in. find the best shooting sticks here
it's up to your video. If your video have content 18+. let's check this box : And check the best gun safe for the money in this website
"plinker"I may not be a lot of help, but I've posted a dozen or more videos with no graphic hunting warning and many slow motion graphic head shots. It may depend on the type of channel and exposure, but I have not been warned or censored. The information you glean from this post might help me also, so I look forward to reading as others with different experiences chime in.
it's up to your video. If your video have content 18+. let's check this box :
I should note that Youtube didn't give me the option to list my video as either 18+ or otherwise do something to make it work. They simply didn't want my video there. Its no more graphic, and actually much less graphic, than many other squirrel videos out there. I think they removed it simply because the video was too popular and leading too many people to my channel, and it would be obvious to anyone that even though I don't discuss politics on my channel, I fit a demographic profile of a kind of person that the leaders and employees of Youtube/Google don't like. Hickok45 gave Youtube quite the spanking when they tried to ban his channel twice this year and his fan outcry made them bring it back. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Youtube is trying to limit the growth of voices it doesn't like. The removal of this one video has deducted 102,000 views off of my viewership tally and has lowered my daily watch time stats by 30%. Something about Youtube's algorithm made this video sizzle, and also put it in front of a lot of anti-hunters. I think the popularity killed it. I now worry about my other 100k+ view videos getting arbitrarily deleted. 

Also of interest is the fact that the day the video got flagged and removed, a foreign hunting channel uploaded the same video as one of their own videos. They would have had to have copied it before it got removed, and it would be an amazing coincidence that they copied and posted my video right before its removal from my channel. Things that make you go "hmmmmm." I reported the video for copyright violation and Youtube shut the pirate channel down, although they sill refused to reinstate my video.
I should note that Youtube didn't give me the option to list my video as either 18+ or otherwise do something to make it work. They simply didn't want my video there. Its no more graphic, and actually much less graphic, than many other squirrel videos out there. I think they removed it simply because the video was too popular and leading too many people to my channel, and it would be obvious to anyone that even though I don't discuss politics on my channel, I fit a demographic profile of a kind of person that the leaders and employees of Youtube/Google don't like. Hickok45 gave Youtube quite the spanking when they tried to ban his channel twice this year and his fan outcry made them bring it back. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Youtube is trying to limit the growth of voices it doesn't like. The removal of this one video has deducted 102,000 views off of my viewership tally and has lowered my daily watch time stats by 30%. Something about Youtube's algorithm made this video sizzle, and also put it in front of a lot of anti-hunters. I think the popularity killed it. I now worry about my other 100k+ view videos getting arbitrarily deleted. 

Also of interest is the fact that the day the video got flagged and removed, a foreign hunting channel uploaded the same video as one of their own videos. They would have had to have copied it before it got removed, and it would be an amazing coincidence that they copied and posted my video right before its removal from my channel. Things that make you go "hmmmmm." I reported the video for copyright violation and Youtube shut the pirate channel down, although they sill refused to reinstate my video.
You should contact with 1 network to protect you. They will protect your video if your video have good content. You can join fullscreen: or quiz:
Alright I just busted Youtube. The banned video in question is one pirates like to upload as their own. Last night I found another pirated version of the video here:

I complained to Youtube about the video being too graphic to see what they would do. Instead of banning the pirated video like they did when the original was on my channel, they simply age restricted the pirated video. They didn't give me that option for the original video. 
That's correct. I received a notification from Youtube this morning that they are reinstating my squirrel video with age restriction. I then filed a copyright complaint against the pirated video and Youtube took it down within a couple of hours. Youtube also apologized to me for taking my video down to begin with and said it was an error on their part.

My squirrel video isn't showing up on search results yet. I've read that it should still show up on results even though its age restricted, but that it may take a few days for Youtube to get it indexed again after removing and reinstating it. The views from the video have not be added back to my view total, so I suspect it just has to be reprocessed. When the video is back on for public view, I'll comment again and give my final thoughts on the situation.