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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Hahaha! The wobbly benches at the first match of the year,were the worst I've ever sat at. I mean you couldn't actually sit down-
and if you put your elbow on the top,your crosshairs moved three bulls over - 
until I found the ready made braces -- even then------
'but your spot on,we shoot because we love rifles and pistols -
I've been shooting since I was four years old - and haven't made a cent to date
but probably have spent more money than I care to think about -
I was looking at houses on the Internet - Arizona and near Oxnard Cali -
hard to believe that in the state of Florida, retirement capital of the country - literally no interest in air rifle or pistol for that matter -
need to be where the action is-so to speak 
and it appears to be out west, Arizona gets hot,but really no humidity -60s at night sounds good as well. This southern boy can't take any cold weather!
I guess I've got to make plans- hell I've been working for 40 years now, 34 of which as the owner of this business -
oh and as to golf - really don't have the patience for that😬
Let me try again -
my edit key doesn't seem to be responsive?
i decided to switch from LV class yesterday. High gusty winds were driving me nuts - clocked some gusts at better than 20 mph! 
Best three card score I could achieve was a 740- worst was a 732-- and wind doping was really critical - watching those flags is truly an extra talent to be sure! 

you'll have to excuse the mess on target 2 - I score the targets with them still attached to the bulket trap - and this bug kept buzzing around me, finally landing on the target.
i simply gave him a tap with the back of my hand- I must not realize my strength ? 
It Can never Be Said- That ColdKing would Never Harm A Fly! 😆
Trying a different photo hosting site - tinypic?
Didnt leave any room for text though 
but seems to work?
i gave up on photo bucket- they just can't seem to correct the technical issues- and I pay 29.99 for the additional storage that has had no effect on storage
I shot these cards a few days ago 
a 750 with 50 Xs using 13 grain JSBs in mild winds - more like a breeze 
let's see some other posters on this site!
I'll take your word for another great relay CK ;) As for showing cards i'm a slave to the job right now. I've been to three field target shoots and one benchrest match in the past six weeks and worked long days between to get a build finished up . When i have posted it's right after work or waking up a bit stressed about work. Anyways this will be a theme for me at least until late october/november as i have a field target shoot or benchrest match most every weekend. I know i'm gonna be burning the candle at both ends but I just don't want pass up the opportunity to shoot in matches/competitive settings.

As for my last BR match my scope gave up the ghost and boy was i pissed. My poi kept moving regardless of turret adjustments and during my second card I watched the cross hair drop one mildot. Then when trying to adjust for windage(indoors mind you) I got three clicks to the right and it snapped back. Needless to say I was not a happy camper. I've replaced that scope, which came today and had enough time after work to get it mounted, leveled, and sighted in with range and click marking out to thirty yards for my field target match saturday on long island. Luckily I'll be bunking at another shooters house tomorrow night and should get the rest of my range marks and clicks out to 55yd.

As I type this i'm doing laundry to be packed and will start sorting more pellets for saturdays match. I hope you, and Jimmy, and everyone else has a wonderful memorial day weekend as I battle traffic tomorrow and saturday. Peace and Congestion Grease. John