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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Thanks guys, you can tell when the wind was nutting out when I shoot more sighters, the Florida wind has been crazy! Frank you really do know your AC! That was a small fortune last summer I could of almost bought a Thomas with that money!! LOL!

fellows I can't say enough about Nick at AIr Superoity, he's the go to man for BSA's. 
Thanks Jimmy! Hell if I waited for calm conditions I'd never get to shoot ---
but it's the switch winds that cause one to pull on his or her hair😬
Constant wind- from any direction can easily be dealt with. Easy to learn to read them flags.
mike sent me a few photos of the Oxnard BenchRest event - that's taking place today. 
Now that's a first class facility - from benches to boards -
should have hopped a plane --
gotta retire! 
Geez CK....That's some AWESOME shooting!!! I've got to make it up to Oxnard one of these days and try to shoot with the folks up there. I've heard nothing but praise for the events that Joe F. puts on in Oxnard...Always 1st class! But back to your shooting....AWESOME...did I say that already.
Hope you're able to retire soon...be great to share a bench with you ;-) 
Peace and Benchrest Grease
Thanks Mike! 
I'd love to come to your events - seems like so many BenchRest matches are out your way?
from Arizona to California. And parts in between. I've given up on my rifle club. And do believe in the near future will discontinue going. Hell I haven't shot firearms there in quite some time.and can't convince any of the almost 3000 people to get into airrifles! 
But Oxnard appears to be top Notch- no wobbly tables there😬
I keep thinking on how to pull it off, the Retirement thing---
don't want to attempt it at the age of 70!