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WRABF…..ERABSF…..USARB 25 meterTarget post 11/30/15

Shot a 3 card set today. Bad storm coming so again - poor outdoor conditions - 25 mph gusts - 
and on the first card to the right,rather than get up and move it, I struck a fig branch which deflected my pellet a weeeee bit -LOL
but I gotta say -I'm amazed every time I shoot this rifle. Hadn't cleaned it since before the Dade city match,which means I've put more than 170 pellets down the pipe without a cleaning! Also using unsorted pellets with varying weights from 15.2 grain to 16.8 grain- with no noticeable poi shifts 
scored with the .22 cal plug ----
747 with 37 xs 

'truly an unbelievable rifle 
wasn't everybody shooting the same class (unlimited) ?
The Dade City Rod and Gun Club 
35445 SR 52 
Dade City, FL 33525 

Florida Ultimate Bench Rest (FLUBR) Challenge 
Saturday, January 30, 2016 

Registration 11:00 AM, Shooting Starts at 12:00 
The Dade City Rod and Gun Club will hold a US Air Rifle Benchrest Association (USARB) sanctioned air rifle benchrest match on January 30, 2016. This FLUBR Challenge will be shot at 25 meters using USA Unlimited class rules. Please see the rules on the following website:

Three 25 bull targets will be shot by each contestant for a total of 75 shots for record. 20 minutes will be allocated for each target with a small break in between to air up your rifles. .177, .20, and .22 will be allowed for sanctioned scoring. .25 cal rifles will be allowed to compete, but scores will not be submitted to the USARB for sanction. Entry fee is $25 for non-DCRGC members and $15 for members. Prizes, either cash or merchandise, will be awarded to 4th place. 

For further information, Call or email Paul Stakun 813-701-8393. This is a fun match and if you plan to compete please email me in advance at [email protected] so that we can plan for enough supplies. Please be honest about your intentions. 

Last years match report: http://www.network54.com/Forum/673067/message/1421677133 

DCRGC website: http://www.dcrgc.us/ 

Our sponsors are: Trenier Outdoors, Talon Tunes, and Steelplinkers. Please patronize them.
I'm a bit jealous of you guys living down in the warmer weather. Outdoor shooting year round. I'm down in my basement (20 yards) at least till April. I got some of the heavy duty official 25 meter cards and am thrilled to see the targets are considerably bigger then the ones that fit in the 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper. Maybe I'll have half a chance when I move outdoors!
Shot a 250 (second one) with 17x this morning. Happy with that, but I know the challenge will be in the wind. Enjoy the relative warmth down there wherever you all are.