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Results World Benchrest Light Varmint was won by 16yr old Robyn Crabb shooting a Thomas

here is an image of the new LV World Champion 16 yr old Robyn Crabb with her Thomas


MOD EDIT: Moved to Competitions and Results

So pardon me, but is there somewhere one can find an owners manual or more information on these Thomas rifles? Even an options list? Their website seems to be pretty sparse, advertising "features" but not actually listing any of them:

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For this kind of cash and wait time, I'd kinda like to, you know, actually know something about the product beyond just a string of competitions it has won. :/ 
Dick, Robyn did an amazing job! Very proud of her.

As far as it goes, I don’t think I could personally be much happier. Thomas shooter Hein Frohmann won the 2 gun category with fellow Thomas shooter Peter Grundlinh taking Bronze.

Hein also took Bronze in HV.

Team USAs Thomas shooter Doug Miller finished in 6th in HV class.

Team USAs Doug Miller, Vipha Miller, and Matt Lababedy took bronze in team HV...also shooting Thomas. 😀

STO...you can just give me a call if you would like to know more. I’m a one man operation, and I prefer to speak directly with customers.
