

Dec 14, 2020
On, Canada
Since June every day I’ve been shooting 200 to 300 rounds. In the last five days I have not shot one round. I’m starting to shake. I walked by my guns and I think I hear them crying but it’s actually me. I see the end of the tunnel tomorrow I think I’ll be free and able to shoot again. 
I rented an excavator for eight days and it kept me busier than I wanted to be. Can’t wait to get shooting again. I have a 97 and 98 waiting by the door. Crow 
Saltlake58 good words. Just put in 10 gruelling days, Off till spring now.

Peskadot671 did some modifications. This was a 6 ton, mine a 20 ton, way faster and smaller. Got some spinner ideas coming.

biohazardman it is an addiction. As far as the compressor goes no need. Right now only springers are my obsession. Admire PCP’s their accuracy and range is mind blowing. Anything after 45 yds for me is dangerous. Avoid them like the Bubonic Plague, can’t imagine the money I would drop, did serious damage with springers.

The machine is leaving right now, and so am I. Have a 97kt waiting. Thanks Crow