Where is this heading///?

OK so FX really doing a good job with bringing us new and cool stuff ,,smooth twist barrel ,,then the Impact with the changeable barrel sizes,, now the smooth twist x for the crown ,with interchangeable twist rates,Daystates electronic trigger ,soon i believe their will be make your own airguns or something like that ,were you pic a chassis you like and have multiple options to go with said chassis ...say this chasis gives you this tank option ,,this rail option and so forth ,idk maybe its not the right time for this, but i do believe its coming
"Saltlake58"I can't imagine stacking pellets for that Gatling gun. Two or three hours of work for a few minutes of mindless entertainment. Then again, that entertainment might just be worth the price.. . . . . . . . . .
All the better that it's BB gun then. Easy to load jut buy a bunch of extra mags. I think it runs off co2, though I'm sure regulated hpa would work fine.
Where is this heading? Well, self-automation, of course.
