What to use to attract/bait pigeons

I am looking to attract pigeons a certain aiea of my hunting site. It is an abounded six story, three building complex in my city. 

They stick to the upper floors and mostly the roof once the shooting starts.
I do have access to every floor and the roof.

I have no idea what or where they are eating.

I have on hand about 40 lbs of sunflower seeds and 3 lbs of cracked corn that I put in my bird feeders. I don't get a lot of song birds though just a bunch of sparrows but back on topic...

There is a population of about 70+ Pigeons maybe even more. All I know is I have already shot at 30+ of them with 25 confirmed kills. One sweet head shot I have in slo motion.
The population and bird numbers don't seam to be affected one bit. 

I live in an average size city could all the pigeons for a few miles just come and go in there every day forging and life activities?

What at is the best feed to use to attract them?

How many should I kill / not kill to keep a good population for a sustained hunting spot?
My instincts tell me to kill them all. 

Also so I am taking a lot of high chest shots when they are facing me ( one floor above me as well) and I noticed that these shots are popping there crops open... They are still kill shots but is there a better place to shoot them at this angel and position. 

Also so if you want to watch the video of my first hunt here look up my YouTube channel. ( The video will be out with in a few days. )
Urban Airgunner
Pigeons can and will roost in attics and such in abandoned buildings. That being known and if it exists there can explain why the numbers aren't dropping. 

You pretty well have the right feed. Of course if these are city pigeons you could get away with anything from stale bread to popcorn. Also they need grit to digest food. Have even seen pigeons peck at old shingle roofs to get it.
Try Chicken scratch grain, Pretty cheap about 10-13 dollars for a 50 lb bag at Tractor supply or local feed store,
Try it in your bird feeders to, You will get a lot of sparrows and other pest birds coming,
Once a year or so, I will get a bag and just spread it everywhere around the yard, I buy a 50lb bag of wild bird seed and 50lb of scratch a month,
Works out to less than a dollar a day,,,
Warning, It also attracts rats and mice, I keep poison out 24/7 as I can not night Hunt.