Well, now it doesn't fit

I've been carrying my Disco in a Bob Allen soft rifle case since I bought it (the rifle). I recently purchased and installed a Vanguard bipod and now it doesn't fit without putting serious pressure on everything. So what rifle cases are you guys using? What do you like and don't like? I've researched some of them and I want to make sure I'm getting something that is going to be safe, user friendly and cost effective. I'm talking under $100. Thanks.
Might sound odd to those not familiar with top end base guitars & such but do try a local pawn shop (hope to pay $10.00ish , they separate them from the rigs just like scope & rifles). A good gig bag has ample padding, extra pockets, easy carry, not a thing which could leave a scratch. Also if your unfortunate enough to have really uptight neighbors they wont think a ting of it, just keep the music turned down when you play.
