WC ll POI Changes

In a previous post about this issue many chimed in on possible issues. I followed some of the suggested investigative actions and have the results. I have chroned it, submitted the chrono data in a chart, and have a picture of the groups.If you would please go down the page and find that older post and see if the new info helps provide any insight to the issue. Because, even with the large spread in FPS, it seems I can maintain a pretty decent POI so maybe forget about the large spread and just shoot it as it is???
Jim, I don't mean to sound harsh, and those 50 yard groups may be entirely satisfactory for your needs, if so, great. But, I would refer to them as average, and not up to the rifle's potential. Large variations in velocity become more telling as the distance increases. So, I would agree, if the rifle is meeting your needs, shoot it and be happy. If you want a higher level of accuracy, especially at 50 yards or beyond, you may want to do more work.