Watch & Discuss the Diana Skyhawk .22!!

Thanks for the honest review. Hopefully a representative from Diana takes the opportunity to tell us how they plan on addressing the issues that Steve encountered (and yes, I know Steve talks a little bit about it in the other video, but direct interaction is much more interesting).

Maybe this should be standard practice for these RDWs? Disallow marketing/pitching as it's a waste of time, but encourage sponsors to interact with the community and answer any questions raised in this thread. Tony B does this extremely well for Daystate if you need a model. Encourage the sponsors tech us something relevant about the gun, companies, shooting, pellets, testing, qa, factories, machines, targets, their use etc.

The super obvious question for this video would be what does hand-selected barrels from Lothar Walter mean? Are they more expensive to source otherwise why are all the barrels not special? How does Diana/SPA/LW figure tell/measure/qa those special barrels opposed to the normal ones? I would assume it's either a trade secret, that can only be discussed in general terms, or we will learn about tolerances. Then the next super interesting questions becomes what are the tolerances that matter, and how are they related to accuracy. How cool would that be, eh? The other super obvious question is that few prefer the lever in the back. Why are they not moved forward like yesterday? The answer could me that it takes x years to design product, and here are the technical reasons and trade-offs. If the sponsors really want to impress, ask their engineers to talk to us (instead of sales).

The stock is beautifully sculptured but I prefer walnut over laminate.