I might be wrong but I think you would need better machine specs than most of us would be capable of measuring with a ruler to make a functioning fill probe. 

Can you not ask the store to mail you another? Or perhaps the manufacturer would send you the machine specs for the probe under the circumstances? 

I have sold products to people in South America before so I can sympathize with the difficulty, cost and delays caused by customs there but, you might have an easier time with a fill probe in an envelope than a package containing an expensive air gun.

The worst place I sold to for customs costs was Brazil. Customs added a 90% mark-up on imported goods and broke everything I sent. It was enough to make be start refusing sales to that part of the world... I hope you get it fixed.

If you have no luck with the manufacturer, I'll try and help. My Mutant arrives tomorrow and I'll do my best with my calipers.