Tuxing drain valve wobble - risky or easy fix?

I just got my brand new Tuxing compressor. This compressor pumps pretty well, but one thing is worrying me: drain valve on compressor head feels a little wobbly. I looked inside and seems like one of the threads is stripped.

I am going to lock it down with some red Loctite, but wanted to check if anyone else on the forum had any issues with it or not? Should I go beyond red Loctite and epoxy it?

Here is a photo of the valve I am referring to: Drain valve is on the lower right part of the cylinder head. 

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Yikes thats a scary one. Wobbly is no good as you are dealing with dangerous pressures. If she let go i doubt you would be in a life threatening situation as there is not a huge volume of air involved (not like if you had a shop compressor tank let go) but still 2000 to 3000 psi could easily shoot a broken fitting thru your hand. If your talking the first ring of threads out of 20 threads it is probably ok to locktight. If your talking the first ring out of 8 then no way no how.