Touching up slight defects on your guns and scopes

yeah, i know - call me a gun safe queen, but my ocd means i likey my equipment in tip top condition - i know a lot of you out there like scratchs and chip marks on your guns and scopes and hey thats cool - i totally respect that.

for those who don't, i have tried the birchwood casey matt touch up pen which is pretty good for minor crimp marks on scope and the like - except it can be a little too thick - try watering it a down a little, use a cocktail stick to appy it to small marks and wipe over gently wth a dampish cloth to blend it in with the surrouding else it looks like my 5 year old just dabbed it with their paintbrush!

any other tips? i have tried some black permanent marker pens except when some dry they have a "violet" tinge to them in the light - not true black. anyone tried those black touch up pens for cars?