OK. (Heart Still Pounding) I’m sitting in my patio, browsing on phone, fully aware of the bunny eating weeds in the yard. No interest in shooting it. 


When I hear a loud THUD!!! I looked up to see the bunny bolting away, and in it’s place a huge Eagle. Damn! I missed the picture, actually missed the whole thing because I was not paying enough attention. The Eagle just flew off. Funny thing is I was telling my son earlier to be careful with our new puppy. 
I believe the Goldens are only out west. The juvenile Bald Eagles do not have the white head. Growing up in Indiana during the 60's we did not have any Bald Eagles. Now there are nests throughout the state. I would imagine that is similar throughout the rest of the US. I did have a red-tailed hawk nail a chipmunk out our front door in Northwest Indiana. How I saw it, was my daughter said she wanted to go out and pet the chicken. True story! They are much larger up close. Very few Hawkes growing up and now they are everywhere in Indiana.