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Feedback SteadyAim / Plinkster Known ***SCAMMER*** negative


Apr 1, 2015
Colorado, United States
Feedback: 289 / 0 / 0
I guess I should feel lucky that I received an item at all and not a VCR!
I purchased a "used once" chronograph. From well known scammer Anthony Jarvis, who is also going by the name James Mahaney. I received the Chronograph today. It does look new and does work.
However... THE SMELL! I think it may have been used for dog bedding when it wasn't in use! How can you stand to live in such a stench Anthony? Clean up your residence an clean up your life! I'm going to have to spend more $ on a bottle of Febreeze to attempt to get this stink out. Good thing I'm using it as a downrange chrony! 

And... The packaging! I'm lucky I didn't receive broken bits of plastic. We all know what shipping companies do to our rifles from time to time. During negotiations he whined about how much shipping was going to cost. So, I gave a little more to cover the cost. Then, I get this....

That's tape covering the end of the non-padded bag that the chrony "just" fits in. So, behind this thin piece of fabric and a layer or two of tape is the brittle plastic of the chronograph. The slogan is, "If it FITS it ships!!!" What the hell is wrong with you? 
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