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Speed Silo at EBR? How to enforce the rules?

One of the purposes of competition is to foster out-of-the-box thinking and innovation. I think we would all lose if we outlawed innovations. If that approach had been taken in automobile racing we would still just have two-wheel brakes. It seems to me that the Fx innovations are pushing all airgun manufacturers to improve to stay competitive, thereby improving your favorite gun regardless of brand.
Automobile racing has probably the most stringent rules of any sport to try and level the playing field so that the smaller companies/teams can compete. In formula one they must use an engine of a certain size, amount of petrol and oil is limited, and there are strict controls as to aerodynamics. In more open races like LeMans all cars race but in about 7 different categories/classes. To do this the race organisers have to have a lot of experts/engineers at each race to check that every car is within the rules.

I would not recommend shooting goes this route but maybe some simple rules could be developed to make it more about the shooter rather than who has the most money behind him or failing that have 3 or 4 classes which would encourage new shooters who could start in bottom class and work their way up.

It might sound silly but to me it seems the big sponsors now want to make sure that it is their product that wins and the rules are being manipulated to give them an advantage. If you look at all the other shooting events like UIT, FT HFT Benchrest they all have rules controlling their rifles. This does not stop innovation but it does increase competition as in each discipline there are several manufacturers who are competitive and might win any competition. It is also more about the skill of the shooter..
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so next we will have to limit the price and quality of the scope to level the playing field

What does that have to do with shooting skill on paper at 100 yards? We’re not shooting at 1300 yards, it’s only 100. ;)

Lets limit the number of sighters so shooters have to learn to read the wind instead of shooting over 100 sighters in a 25 shot target. 
Other BR events like 25M and 50Y allow sighters. But, they do not allow refillng your gun in the middle of a card. Making that a rule would do a few things. It would (if air capacity limited to 580cc like EBR instituted) limit the amount of sighters just because you'd need 25 shots for score, and the rest for sighters. So guys shooting high powered .30 cal. may only get 5 or 10, guys shooting .25 may get a few more, and .22 even more. It would require shooters to realize the trade offs in the guns, power and calibers that they shoot. This would align our 100 yard events to the same type rules as 25M and 50Y BR... So I say allow sighters, but do not allow refilling in the middle of a scoring relay. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't see many scores greater than 200 in breezy or windy conditions.
Centercut's idea seems any easy fix.

If targets or sighting area was hi-vis this would also level the field as one of the few advantages of .30 over .22 is that it is easier to see where it hits and therefore adjust for the wind. This has nothing to do with how good the shooter is or how accurate the rifle is. With the latest pellets the BC of all 3 calibres is much more similar than it was a few years ago.
PaulB, very true. I know if we implemented this rule, I would change the gun and caliber that I shoot. I currently shoot a .30 FX Bobcat Mk2, and get about four 9 shot magazines per 250 bar fill. So that would give me about 11 sighters. If I shoot my .22 EDgun R3 Long shooting 25.4 grain RD Monsters, which actually have a better BC than the 44.75 grain .30 caliber pellets, I would get almost 50 shots per fill, or 25 sighters. But like you pointed out, sometimes with the small caliber pellets, its hard to see near where the pellet hits, even with a good scope. A good spotting scope can help...
It would also have the additional advantage that spectators would be able to follow what was happening more easily. As Centercut says it might also cause other shooters to consider different calibers depending on what aspects they think will give them an advantage. It would also potentially increase the number of people who want to enter a comp as their .22 or .25 would now be competitive.

Spotting scopes are OK but you need a good one which can be expensive and you lose considerable time shifting position between it and your rifle.
I would like to see Three classes

Single load

Magazine feed ( maybe limited capacity and or factory mag).

Open class (Anything goes) to allow inovation and groth of the sport

I was not a fan of the (LIMITED Edition Guns and Mags built to get round the rules) These guns were never avalible to the public ( I Checked the web site the month and weeks prior to the EBR) and I have yet to see the speacial quick load mag 18 round mag made availabe to the public yet and it's been almost a year since these "Factory guns and mags were supposably offered"

Just my thoughts!

