Sound machines for keeping birds away

I have a fake owl I am going to place in my open end wood shed. Do these machines that make sonic waves etc. work?? I know shooting them is one way, but these birds fly into cover at night. I may try to go out and see if I can catch them roosting
I just wanted to hear from the forum on what you guys use to deter birds other then shooting them. I can't keep going out there all hours of the night
The company I work for has pigeon problem!!those little critters poop on everything!!!
We purchased 2 of those sound machines that specifically had a pigeon setting and the pigeons actually got I think it actually called them in not repelled them like it should have.
Most of the time the pigeons are scratching around everywhere but as soon as I break out the air rifle they vanished into thin air.ill give them credit on being smarter than I thought they were.
From my experience the squawk boxes are a waste of money in my area.

Ooh the sound machines we have are about 300$ each and I wouldn't give a plug nickel for them, useless I say.