Someone(or two) made themselves way too comfortable in my yard!!!

I use this trap and transport them around 100yds from my house and then shoot them.

This video is hilarious. A “no spray skunk trap” eh? But the skunk is letting loose in the trap. When he caught the pack rat, went to release it, said “be free” and it started to run up his arm I laughed so hard at his reaction! 🤣🤣🤣 Hey @qball don’t be the guy in this video. Put some holes in em. 
Plus one on the road flare!!! I save my boat flares after they expire to use on ground pests. The CG sayscthey are only good for a max of 3 years but I have some over 10 years and they always have worked!! The gas from the flare is poisinois if inhaled.

yup. I really didn’t want to kill Pepe Le Pew if he or she wasn’t the one dug the hole. Granted with 2 of them looked chummy it’s likely both are involved. Either way I jammed couple of larger rocks at the opening then tossed a lit flare in, quickly covered the hole with smaller rocks and dirt. Thankfully there is some smoke seeped through the ground but no other opening. So whatever is in there has to be pretty dead by now and if the skunk that dug it isn’t in there and comes back for more then my impact is ready for it. Will find out next couple of nights, I got 2 amazon wireless security cameras watching the area. 😂🤣😂

unfortunately this might just end without the use of Airgun but as much as I love my Airguns it isn’t always the best tool for the job. Keeping it airgun related at least I tuned my impact to shoot .22 hades at 560fps at Min and 700 at PW 9(munster power wheel). It’s actually on squirrel duty too since my S200 isn’t ready, Dream-tac compact lost its scope to the impact and crown is on lower power target duty with 500mm barrel which is a bit long to be sneaky.

Being a veterinarian, I can tell you first hand this stuff is awesome...
Here's the thing, you encourage these critters (possums, skunks) with easy pickings, dead sparrows, squirrels, etc. Then are surprised they would take up residence nearby? Your generosity to them ultimately led to their demise... Police up your kills as to not encourage bigger critters from setting up in your yard in the future. I do leave rats for my foxes behind the barn, my Jack Russell Riley ensures that these and other critters don't den up anywhere near our house. Hoping the road flares solved your problem.
Here's the thing, you encourage these critters (possums, skunks) with easy pickings, dead sparrows, squirrels, etc. Then are surprised they would take up residence nearby? Your generosity to them ultimately led to their demise... Police up your kills as to not encourage bigger critters from setting up in your yard in the future. I do leave rats for my foxes behind the barn, my Jack Russell Riley ensures that these and other critters don't den up anywhere near our house. Hoping the road flares solved your problem.

You are right that I shouldn't be shocked but I've tried by best to make sure the rock wall cavity is filled mostly but obviously I've failed.

To my utter shock the skunk was in the den and it survived somehow!!! It dug itself out from a different side of the bolder. By the time I got the alert and got out there with my impact it's long gone. Although I failed to kill it i'm sure it won't be back for a while, I'll fill in where it came out with more rocks so it can't just dig back in. I have to say, it's one tough critter! It actually earned a lot respect from me. However if I catch it digging around again it's dead meat, the impact won't be so easy to dodge! LOL 


It is impossible to shoot things in the front yard of my house. Too much visibility. 

For years I had chipmunks digging under my front steps and sidewalk. To the point where they cracked one of the pieces. I tried jamming rocks in there hard. Pounding them in there. They just move them out, or dug around them.

So then I read about chili powder. In addition to pounding the rocks in, I would pore chili powder in their holes. Much more effective, but they still come back eventually.

I finally ended up with live traps and little bit of peanut butter…For later dispatch.

The best defense is when we have a family of hawks, or owls nesting in the backwoods.

I was absolutely amazed at what they could dig their self out of.

I don’t see you getting rid of your problems with Pepe, until you get rid of Pepe. Let’s pretend we know that Pepe is a boy, he’s going to try to find another girl. Girls like houses….There’s nothing like seeing a family of a half a dozen walking towards your house, I’ve been there.

I have two bits that says they’ll be back tonight. They don’t know anything is mad at them, they just had their house cave-in…

have fun!

@qball what distance will you be shootin that skunk at?

If within 20 yards you might try using a wadcutter.

Wadcutters are devastating plus there should be less pass thru.

Good luck!

Ditto and then make the 'wadcutter' a Predator Poly Mag.

If it runs off, for whatever reason, who cares as no one will be preforming a biopsy. It's just going to be another dead skunk.

The backyard critters are entertaining until they are damaging property then they become the entertainment ;)
@flintsack you are dead on. It came back and went back in the hole again! Security camera shows it came out and wondering around again. If Pepe is in there and I block the hole then it will make things worse by forcing it to dig even more so peanut butter and sardines will be Pepe’s last mean tonight. I’m still in awe that all the smoke from a 15 minute road flare didn’t kill it. 

@mikehunt: all I have is hades right now so it will do, I had great luck with them. The entertaining to entertainment comment is funny as hell! 

EDIT: looked around the yard and Pepe ate at least one of my tomatos last night too!!! He or she has crossed another red line. Operation “Pepe No Mas” is a go go go!!!


Plus one on the road flare!!! I save my boat flares after they expire to use on ground pests. The CG sayscthey are only good for a max of 3 years but I have some over 10 years and they always have worked!! The gas from the flare is poisinois if inhaled.

I keep the expired ones on the boat along with the new ones. I'd rather have extra and only the minimum requirement has to be in date.
Shooting is problematic if you're worried about them spraying. No matter where you shoot them there's a probability of them spraying and it is much higher than 0. A safer way is to trap them and do a search on YouTube acetone skunk. That will show you a safer way to solve your problem though it's not 100% either. Using acetone one professional trapper said he disposed of 40 skunks and got sprayed once for example. If you shoot them in the lungs the odds at best 10 to 20% that they don't spray and more likely more than 30%. Also because it's a lung shot they will walk off up to 30 feet or more. If you do a headshot there probably more than 80% chance they will spray.
Operation Pepe No Mas is complete and Tangle is down! Fortunately no spray, will wait for the morning so the body is stiff before bag it and find a field for it. 

Operation debrief: it came around 10PM according to my security camera. It dove right into the sardines so gave me plenty of time but I still think I hit it just a little too high and missed the heart. It walked out of the view and laid down in the easement or drainage area. I walked over and took a look through my ATN from about 20feet away, it was gasping for air for quite a while. From the sucking sound of it trying to gasp for air also indicated a full double lung pass through. 

I was able to capture the shot from my ATN and my security camera, sadly my ATN was a bit out of focus. 


Security camera view: 


Pretty sure I saw the pellet hit the ground/leaves from this frame. I'll try to find it in the morning.


@qball Nice setup and shot. Didn’t look like he sprayed. You actually knocked him on his nozzle and shocked the hell out of him. He looked beneath himself as if he was supposed to see what hit him before getting hit. What occurred in the video is kinda what I was referring to about animals running for cover after a shot through the vitals. Good thing it didn’t crawl into its burrow or beneath a structure to die. One down, one to go. 
@blackice: I’ll have to look into acetone method.

@Ezana4ce: thanks, i blocked off the hole it normally use to go to my neighbor’s yard and blocked off the large drainage pipe it uses to go god know where. I am still surprised by how far it ran with no air in its lungs, guess a deer can run for hunts of yard so can a skunk. Yes, no spray! Maybe it’s a suburban skunk and doesn’t usually spray but not even a hint of skunk smell! Woot! 

@estarkey7: hahaha! It looked under its belly and went what was that? They seem to do that with a vital shot. It’s almost like they felt it but not really hurt from it, just seemed confused.