I took me nine year get on ssi when 18 I didnt pass high school I make 877.00 now i sight that wont work i sigh 18 sec services I have PSTD H AA D you tell by writing work out question I MIGHT KILL SOME ONE if i work i dont get long with authority cant drive because some one piss me off this right I might run over people but iam it took me nearly half my year to control out bust of anger you never been pick on day in day out I was in special Ed threw out school kick out high school 11 year for break some one leg when was pick on me never paid one red cent for either.. 

my first job was video store not get paid I was ssi I work in volt keep tracking of video put in order I quit that because night mare of number come after me lol sound funny but it happen half year in rehab not in drug rehab and video I do not get paid for them this rule of ssi can own land sale anything or work military said iam f4 session 8 martial art seem be only thing keep me in track an check of my rage I am por guns and rights been like when I grown up so dont pick ok in 2000 got first apartment 2005 I move to Elmira NY from VA to prove them wasn't gone put me in home at time ssi making 502 .oo o my problem really stend from foster home abuse you say iam ticking time bomb I am cope with everthing …….

there another rule of ssi if get in trouble of the law I lost my freedom and ssi for ever this also keep in check with out money cant pay bills iam not pround what did in past but iam law biding

If you can control yourself to do what you want, you can control yourself to do what you need. I'll leave you to it.