Side-Shot for GPH 5,6,7 Spacer mod.


May 31, 2020
So I recently bought just the Side-Shot mount for my modified GPH7 Black. The stock lens on the GPH was replaced with a Peau 8.25mm f/3.0 41d HFOV 16MP lens. This particular lens allows you to retain the stock GPH7 lens cover, and with that some measure of water resistance.

The Side-Shot mount itself uses the Super Suit protective dive housing. This particular housing requires the removal of the lens cover on the stock GPH 5,6, and 7 for it to fit. If you are using the Backbone GoPro or any other zoom lens replacement that protrudes further than the stock lens, then this is a non-issue as those modifications discard the stock lens cover altogether. However, if you are using the Peau lens, or the stock lens by changing the focal point, and wish to retain the lens cover, you will need to make 2 modifications to the Side-shot.

First you will need to carefully grind away some of the housing material by the lens to let out the lens cover and allow the camera to fully seat into the housing. I used a dremel to hog out most of the material and finished with a pencil file. Do not remove too much material because you will be very close to the drilled and tapped holes used to fasten the camera housing to the Side-Shot mount.

Next you will need a 3mm spacer to sit between the camera housing and the Side-Shot since the camera housing no longer sits flush with the camera's lens cover protruding through the housing. You will also need to replace the 6 counter sunk hex screws with longer ones. I created a 3D printable spacer and uploaded it to Thingiverse. 

You can find it here.





Will this work with the camera mount? I have the camera mount and want to add my gopro 5 to the mount instead of the cell phone all the time. I have the super suit already.

Not sure what you mean by camera mount? Like a regular point and shoot camera? If your sideshot looks like the one pictured, then yes. If not then no. At least not without additional modification.