Shooting at the ranch with the boys

Went shooting at the ranch with the boys. We shot at all of our reactive targets and had a blast! We then decided to walk up the hill to look for digger squirrels. We all got hot from the hiking so my youngest asks me if I’ll drive him home to get his swim suit. He wanted to cool off in the 40 degree creek. I said if you want to swim, strip down to your undies and go for it! He was out of his clothes in about 30 seconds. Oh, to be young and fearless. He played in that ice cold creek for about 30 minutes, until his skin was white and lips blue. Great day shooting and just hanging with my sons.

Eamon, we'll meet up one of these days. I'd like to meet you and a lot of other people from AGN that I've spoken and texted with so many times but have never met face to face. We need to organize some kind of meet up and shoot in a central location, plenty in advance so people can come and meet each other and shoot together. My son was sick last week so we cancelled our family plans and I was going to come over to the show. Then he started feeling better and wanted to go do something fun. We ended up driving over to the coast, going to the tidepools and messing around on the beach yesterday. Stayed the night at a hotel with a pool so they could swim late into the night and then we drove home early this morning. How was the show? Was it a good turn out? Was there lots of good stuff to see and cool people to meet? I hope it was fun for everyone that went! Have a great afternoon. 

Sonny, you got that right. I can't even believe how fast they're growing up. My oldest son said something to me the other day and sounded like a man. I didn't even recognize his voice... it was changing. I was baffled, he's only 11.5 yrs. Man does time fly. Have a good one!
