Shoebox with scuba tank as source?

I'm looking at getting a Shoebox to fill my guns with, and while this might sound odd, I was wondering how feasible it would be to run a scuba tank as the input to the Shoebox instead of my shop compressor. I dive so I have a couple tanks I use that only get refilled at the dive site, and I have a fill adapter I bought years ago that lets me regulate the pressure when filling the guns, so I was just thinking, an 80CF running 100 psi of dry air into the Shoebox to top off my Wildcat or S510's. Again, maybe not feasible, just wondering though. While you might ask why I don't just use the tanks, well they're rarely topped off here at the house, and I get my air at the dive sites so they're not a good solution for the guns anymore. Anyways, just wondering.
I'm up around Waldo. Nice video but a little more invested solution than I'm looking for at the end of the day, although perhaps something I can get to over time. I've toyed with the idea of getting an SCBA and getting it filled at Columbus Scuba, but that wouldn't be practical. I need enough to top off my S510 and Wildcat a couple times a day each when the weather's nice, and the old FX pump is getting long in the tooth. I think the Shoebox would be a good fit without breaking the bank, and the video would seem to validate that.
Thanks again!