Service Men & Women Appreciation Memorial Day GIVEAWAY!!!

Currently serving with United States Forest service. I was active duty 8 years served in Air Force special Ops with the best men and women on the planet. We worked with a lot of other special Ops branches.

So in essence I went from blue to green.... Forest Service green that it is.

The mighty AC130 specter gunship was my chariot. So ugly only those who flew on it would truly appreciate its beauty... A 105 howitzer a 40 mil Bofors and 20 mil Vulcan cannon hanging off the left side.

I absolutely love that weapons platform and I loved flying above special forces... well anyone Associated with the coalition in Afghanistan really. 

We operated with American special forces. We also Supported British SAS, Canadian special, forces, New Zealand and Australian special forces along with the mighty United States of America. We played very nicely with others in the sand box😃

She was a rare bird who only came out at night and there are only a few on the planet a true legendary creature. Our motto was you can run but you will just die tired.

It was an honor and a privilege!

Cheers fellow brothers and sisters!!

My guess $1776.26. Thanks for the opportunity.