Respect and Civility

Forum is defined as a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. Each of us has an individual view point that sometimes differs from that of others and each of us comes from different backgrounds with various levels of education and experience. It is important to understand that respect and civility are key factors for bridging these differences and continuing with the successful exchange of diverse ideas. I made this post on June 16th, H&N Baracuda Green .22, 12.65 grain. Travels4fun, Scott, did some research and made a post that was two things mine was not, accurate and informative. I changed my post and thanked Scott for his effort. I’m not recommending that people go back and change their post; especially if they disagree with the person. However, I am recommending that we not launch a personal attack. There is no benefit to questioning the person’s intelligence or experience. Let the information given stand on its’ own merit and agree to disagree. The people reading the post will make their own decision. Something that may help us to better understand each other is the members’ introduction. If we know more about the person we will better understand how they interact with others. Thanks
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