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My .25 Wildcat is quiet. Even more quiet with a Huggett Standard. Sumo was quiet on it but different. Mechanical noise is very quiet as well. My .25 Vulcan 2 absolutely needs a moderator on it. AGN large moderator quiets things down. Huggett is quieter. Sumo with ports in outer shroud of moderator is quieter then Non ported Suno. Hard to tell which is quieter between Huggett or Sumo. Hammer noise is pronounced and louder then Wildcat. Currently experiencing ever so slight clipping in Huggett, Sumo, and AGN as there must be a machining/alignment issue. Waiting for them to answer my email from 2 days ago. A Version 1 gen 4 Vulcan I hear from someone who has one is very quiet in .22 both mechanically and muzzle blast. He added a 3" long shroud extension DonnyFL made that made it slightly more quiet. Hope that helps.