Press release - FX Airguns USA is set to open their doors this week!

And our beloved Ernest Rowe will be part of the team.

MOD EDIT: merged with existing press release

Sorry about that moderators. I guess I was late to the party when I posted this morning under General Airgunning, I just hardly ever go to the Announcement and Specials page?
I usually just hit the General Airgunning first, PCP Airguns second, and then the Target Shooting page ;-)

I jumped the gun I was so excited this morning. I read on here rumors of the distribution center being in North Carolina? Wilmington would be a great place??? LOL Close to the State Ports ;-)

Please post a sticky under General Airgunning so folks will see this quicker. Like I say I wasn't even aware of it till my comment got merged by the moderator.

Man, this just makes my day. Love it!
What a positive move this is I'm not sure if they'll be any price reductions.adding earnest to the Fx team is a mega deal for us the ones buying. And. Shooting. FX ..we'll have to see how the rest plays out it's going to be super busy with the workload there that's the one downfall congratulations to Ernest we'll find out soon enough about the rest of the stuff if we still going to work on that other guns or not that affects me directly earnest agreed to build me a 30 caliber cricket carbine similar to the beautiful one he built 2 months ago or so well wr will c can't fault the man for taking a beautiful job like that
"strikefast"Hey Jimmy, I will go ask if we can do testing on their new rifles and do reviews.

Only ask we get deep discounts on products. Lol
Hey, we can carpool to work together???? LOL
I'm ready for a road trip to knock on their door right now!

Paul, that address is in Wrightsboro. Don't even have to go into Wilmington traffic!
"PHeplerNC"Jimmy, we definitely need to invite FX Airguns USA to have a presence at the AAFTA Nationals in October! 
For those who have not heard, the Nationals will be hosted by Tar Hell Air Gun Club at our course in Pleasant Hill North Carolina. 
Yes sir, that will be awesome. And it's Tar Heel, not Tar Hell???? LOL
"Michael"FX Airguns USA will be located at

3024 Hall Watters Dr. Wilmington, NC 28405
Paul and I went by the address you gave. There is an empty brick and mortar building there. Took a couple pics. Wish there was more to tell?
