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Postal standing 10m match Jan 6-19

Open to 177 and 22 caliber rifles.

Shoot as many cards as you like, post 2 best cards for the period.

177 Target

177 Target with black dot

22 Target with black dot

1. Hunter class. Limited to 16x scope, stock cannot extend more than 6 inches from center of barrel, not butt hooks, no jackets, no shooting glove.

2. Open class: No limitations, anything allowed.

3. Scoring is 10 points max per target. If you touch the line higher score counts

Post picture of you targets here in this forum before January 19th end of day.
1579468050_5071117845e24c51278d814.75463489_2020-01-19_155644 1.JPG


LGU + QYS 8.48 grain domed pellets + 50x Sightron
