The first one the shooters trigger finger was on the side of the gun. The trigger either caught on something in his holster, or the video is fake.

The one at 0:32 where the sign falls down and "shoots" the guy in the ankles is with a pump shot gun. He does not pump it after his previous shot. There was no round in the chamber. There also was no recoil to the gun. Fake.

The one at :51 where the guy looks down the barrel and shoots his hat off shows that the gun recoiled "down" when shot. And if paused, you can see the phantom image they used to simulate recoil. Then they simply fired a shot through the bill of the hat to "prove" it. Fake.

The one where the girl got knocked over by recoil could easily be real. Plenty of footage to back up something like that.

But, most of this, I am not buying....... :-\

People just LOVE to trick other people. I don't mind it when it's someone swapping the sugar with the salt, but videos like this one are harmful and cause confusion.
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Sadly the first one is very real. That's Tex Grebner. He also posted follow ups from the hospital. And if you slow the one with the shooter in the red vest you can see what looks like blood spray from the impact. The girl toppling backwards happens, but yea the rest are staged. However I doubt they were staged just to trick the viewers or as some anti-gun propaganda. They are much more likely to be clips from safety videos
As a recovering parole officer I can tell you these are most likely real. There really are a lot of really stupid people out there. At a local PD one officer shot himself in the leg......TWICE! Separate events. This fool would holster his Glock with the finger inside the trigger guard and bang. They gave him a desk job as he was a danger to himself as well as the public. You cant fix stupid.