Next faze of targets made from garbage. "Mounting them"

So I like to use stuff people throw away. I made a post last week about cutting these out with an angle grinder from plating that was on an old Bowflex machine I was throwing out. I couldnt think of how to mount them. So i grinded out some angle brackets from the same metal to hold them upright. But then I remembered some old heavy duty springs from my trucks muffler that i kept, and the bolts and washers from the bowflex. So after putting it together with the springs ,I think the heavy duty metal will last even longer with my high power airgun. I plan on lag bolting it to a 8x8 inch post I have laying around so it is secure. I would like to make them into field targets but dont have a welder or the smarts to figure it out. So I will paint them black and use them for long distance knock downs even though they will spring back. If you have any better ideas please throw them at me. I would love the help. A little pic heavy. Sorry. Have a great Labor Day weekend.

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Well they are done. Made a bird, pigeon, rabbit and ground squirrel/prairie dog target. Now I need a place to shoot them. My next project is making a silent target trap for some spinners im making. I cut out the top of an old quarter keg. Will use threaded rod to hold spinners. Just have to get something to quiet down the pellet strike on the metal. Maybe some rubber mats and duct seal.

Pic heavy again.

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