New Pellet Holder

I saw an Archery ArmGuard on Amazon and I thought it could make a simple pellet holder from it. The mesh is not attached to the backing so it’s semi easy to get the pellets attached. It was less than $4

it can hold about 50 -177 caliber or 42 - 22 caliber. Then attach to forearm . I’ll be trying it out when I shoot my Leshiy 


It needs a better mesh to retain the pellets, something made of foam with 5mm deep holes will work. I think it's not a feasible solution (in its current guise) for the Field as chances of losing pellets are more. Just My opinion. 

Brian, How about you improvising it a little bit. A foam cut out 5mm thick with 5mm holes for 5.5mm pellets? Obviously made from Soldering iron.