New papal tax requirements have become law

Previously, to be reported to the IRS, you needed to have $20,000 in received transactions and more than 200 transactions.

it now sounds like every transaction is going to be reported.

That means the safest way to buy expensive stuff, has just been removed.

i can’t find anything on the web about this


Sounds like the makings of a good rumor. 
They want to do the same with bitcoin in Denmark, i can only assume in a effort to remain the most tax ridden country in the world.

And here they can regurgitate another tax law as they please, only their own decency and ( still ) need for voters block them from doing so.

A Dane pay +50% in tax, not all income tax of course but if you spend the rest of your money, then it will be +50%

"They" do not impress me.