Need help , closing my eyes

Never dry fire a Spring gun you will destroy it very quickly.

Ooops! I was sleepy. I thought we are talking about a Marauder. ZZZZZZZZZ....A good night's rest does wonders.

Just shoot at a backstop without regard to anything other than trigger control and sight picture. 

Make sure you haven't ingested anything that induces anxiety. Gaining self control is a beautiful thing 👍 Go for it!
Flenching, closing your eyes is a type of target panic. It usually only happens to people who shoot a lot.

When your gun goes off it should be a surprize, yours is not you are making it go off or you could not close your eyes when it does. It is a very common thing but often hard to get over. Just about.any range or shooting club could put you in touch with someone who can help. Good luck! Happy B day!

Nice looking pup Wayne. Ours is 15 years old and still thinks she’s a pup. Loves chasing the wallabies and Roos but not too far these days. Loves going hunting with me down at our creek. They are great little dogs those mini foxies.


LOL !! What cute TFT. They are great dogs. One of the most observant and intelligent dogs I've ever owned. Looks very healthy for 15 years. My last one lived to be 14.5 years. Chloe will be three in October.