Need help choosing a moderator


Jan 23, 2019

  • I'm going to be perching a FX Impact I can use some help with ideas on which moderator would be a good choice for a 25cal. 700mm barrel? I need one that's really quiet for hunting but I don't want to break the bank, Been kinda looking at the Huggett belita, any suggestions?

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I am also in a search for a moderator. What I've discovered in my research is that moderator sound reductions are subjective. I don't have any first hand experience, but I plan on picking up one of the Donnyfl moderators based on both sound deadening, and the wide availability of adapters for different hosts. 

FYI, There was a recent report of multiple moderators used on a single host. it was enlightening. 

Good luck in your search, and please post a report on what you end up doing. I'm going to do the same.

^This is, to my knowledge, the first empirical comparative airgun moderator test. Results were, for me anyway, enlightening. I'm not sure if it'll help you make your decision or only muddy the waters further, but a lot of the "common knowledge" about airgun moderators doesn't appear to hold true strictly speaking. 

If you have any technical questions I'll do my best to answer them with what data I've collected and experiments performed. I hope it helps. :)