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Events N50 National Championship at NRA Whittington Center September 3-5


Nov 6, 2016
Colorado, United States
We will be holding the National 50 Benchrest League National Championship at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM on September 3rd through 5th.

All three N50 classes will be represented and 6 cards for each class will be shot for an aggregate score. We will also have awards for the overall grand aggregate.

With 6 cards each class...it will be a busy weekend. 

We will be offering some cash in addition to the normal trophies or plaques.

Pro Slug/Rimfire rifle 

1st 700$

2nd 500$

3rd 300$

Sportsman Slug/Rimfire rifle 

1st 350$

2nd 250$

3rd 150$

Pellet rifle 

1st 350$

2nd 250$

3rd 150$


1st. 500$

2nd. 300$

3rd. 200$

Registration is 150$ for the first class and 50$ each additional class.

Please email me if you desire to register and we can invoice you.

[email protected]

Registration will include the awards banquet dinner on Sunday. Extra meals will be 20$

Thanks, and we hope to see you there.

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about the classes just recently.

Here is a simple overview.

Pro Slug/Rimfire rifle .This is essentially the anything goes class. Rimfire is limited to 22lr Ammo and slug is limited to 100fpe and 22 cal max. Scored with a .224” plug

Sportsman Slug/Rimfire rifle. This is for factory produced 22lr Rimfire rifles and ammo. Slug guns must be factory produced, 100fpe max, and 30 or less caliber. Scored with a .350” plug.

Pellet rifle. Air rifles shooting factory produced pellets up to 30 caliber and 100fpe. Most modifications allowed. Scored with a .350” plug.

The order is:

1. Pro Slug/Rimfire rifle 

2. Sportsman Slug/Rimfire rifle 

3. Pellet rifle

This order is similar to the order used in many sports. A simple comparison would be boxing.

1. Heavyweight

2. Middleweight 

3. Lightweight.

if you are a lightweight, you may compete as a middleweight or a heavyweight. A heavyweight cannot compete as a middle or lightweight. You may move up the ladder, but you cannot move down.

A pellet rifle is free to compete in Pro rifle or sportsman rifle. A Pro shooter cannot compete in sportsman or pellet. You may move up the ladder, but you cannot move down.

The only oddity to this system is that the pellet and Sportsman Slug/Rimfire rifle class air rifles can use up to 30 caliber projectiles and there is a max of 22 caliber in Pro. This is simply because the larger .350” plug is too easy for the pro class. If you have a 30 cal pellet gun... you could move up and shoot sportsman...but not pro since pro is max 22 cal.

I hope this makes more sense.

We are also going to take the top 2 aggregates for any class shot by any competitor to use for the grand aggregate in determining the overall placements. This means that someone that only shoots 2 classes still has a shot at the top overall placement.

Yes, it can be breezy there at times. The open nature of the Coors range allows for very similar conditions for every shooter on the line, though....and that’s one of the big reasons for selecting the Whittington center.

Here’s a pic of the view down the shooting line. There are 75 concrete benches. 



Here is the link to the onsite lodging. I have reserved a cabin that holds 10, and would welcome any AGN member or associate to share with me. So far, we have 2 slots taken. For 3 days, it comes to 20.00 per person, per day. 60.00 for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights - checking out on Sunday. The cabins are +/- 1/2 mile from the shooting venue and really are much handier than staying in town. Give me a shout if you want more information.

R/V slots are still available

R/V cabins are sold out

The competition shooter dormitory I did not ask about. Hostel style, 2 twin beds per room, common shower and bathroom, kitchen and large lobby area.

Big Bucks cabins = way out of my pay grade.

Lodging, Cabins & Camping | NRA Whittington Center (nrawc.org)

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