Most Accurate Springer Poll

Joe.....ARH has piston and breech seals and springs for the Diana75, Vortek also has the piston seals for the D75. Pyramyd Air has some parts for the Diana 75 and the Diana 100's. The next time I have one of my D75's apart I am going to try the Vortek "O" ring seals in it, we'll see how that works.

I like the FWB300S but the Diana75's seem to get me better groups....and besides....the rubber eye cup on the aperture doesn't come back and bump my glasses with the D75. When you get the timing right on the Diana75's it is almost like a "negative" recoil when you release the is really difficult to explain the feeling of the shot hear a bunch of noise radiating up through the stock but you don't feel anything!

I can only give personal experience.

For me, it has been a tie between my Diana 56TH, TX200 and HW30s, but I've only compared them at up to 14 yards, which is the maximum length of my basement range. 

HOWEVER, to be fair, we should qualify at what range and shooting conditions. Because at ranges of more than 10m, isn't it usual to shoot outdoors? In that case, any kind of wind is going to take the low-powered ones down a notch. It might knock the FWB300 and HW30s right out of the running.

Of my guns above, the Diana 56TH would probably easily win at longer ranges outdoors, as it can shoot heavier pellets at higher velocities, thus bucking the wind better. Also, no hold sensitivity, as with the FWB300. It easily shoots well out to 60 yards, so far.

Do you know what though? For targets and plinking, my favorite is the HW30s. It is just SO much easier to handle as a result of being so much lighter. Easier to cock is nice too. I think everyone should own one.

I'd love to shoot a FWB300 some day. It would have the shooting comfort and easy cocking that I like from the HW30, and maybe more accuracy. Not sure about the scope hassles though. Maybe I'll try to buy one when bonus time comes around again.
"Smaug"Do you know what though? For targets and plinking, my favorite is the HW30s. It is just SO much easier to handle as a result of being so much lighter. Easier to cock is nice too. I think everyone should own one. Not sure about the scope hassles though.
Both the FWB300 and the HW30S should be shot with open sights, way more fun IMHO. But I agree on the 56TH, for long range and in .22 it's probably the best springer out there. For 10 to 25 meters it's a bit overkill though. 

Maybe the poll should be split up in 'most accurate springer poll' high-, and low-power. ;) 
I think to vote on a rifle you would have to have owned one or at least shot one a lot? Distance doesn't matter since most of us shoot our rifles at many different distances? So maybe the question should be what has been the most accurate springer you have shot with? I know I can tell which is going to shoot the most accurate before I sit down at my shooting bench. And many factors let me make that decision, such as distance and wind conditions. So you have a 20 yard shot off your deck rail on a starling and you HAVE to hit it in the eye. All of your springers are laying on your kitchen table. Which one are you going to reach for? Even a FWB 300 has enough energy for that shot. But do you pick up the tx200 or one of your other springers? shouldn't have any trouble re-sealing the Diana75 since you have been working on the FWB300's.
The D75 is a very complex rifle with a lot of pieces (I think I counted 115 pieces when it was apart) but there is a lot of info on rebuilding them on the Vintage Diana and Dianawerk Collective Forums. The Diana Web site has a Schematic Drawing of the D75 with part numbers and will show you what to expect. There are a lot of intricate adjustments that need to be made if it gets "out-of-whack" but the end result is a fine shooting rifle!

"Goodtogo"I think to vote on a rifle you would have to have owned one or at least shot one a lot? Distance doesn't matter since most of us shoot our rifles at many different distances? So maybe the question should be what has been the most accurate springer you have shot with? I know I can tell which is going to shoot the most accurate before I sit down at my shooting bench. And many factors let me make that decision, such as distance and wind conditions. So you have a 20 yard shot off your deck rail on a starling and you HAVE to hit it in the eye. All of your springers are laying on your kitchen table. Which one are you going to reach for? Even a FWB 300 has enough energy for that shot. But do you pick up the tx200 or one of your other springers?
Why would you HAVE to hit it in the eye? With a 12 FPE rifle, any chest shot would be fine.

Even with a relatively low-powered FWB300 or HW30s, any shot in the head (except the beak) or neck would do the trick. ...or even upper back or behind the breast bone into the heart.

I shot a pigeon a week ago with my HW30s. ~650 fps with JSB Exact RS 7.33 gr. Upper chest, (heart shot, behind the breast bone) straight through and DRT. That was 10 yards, but at 20 yards, it wouldn't have been much different. May not have passed through, but would have snuffed him nevertheless. Starlings are smaller birds than pigeons.
My Dad has three problems, chipmunks, mice and moles. In the last three months I've shot north of 50 chipmunks, 3 mice and 1 mole. All were taken with my TX200 between 20 and 25 yards. The mice and the mole were the hardest shots by far. It doesn't sound like much but I had to time my trigger pull and then shoot prior to the mice and mole running out to feed. You can read more about it in the hunting section. I don't believe that I could have made those shots with a different Springer. The TX200 needed to hit within an 1/8" at 23-1/2 yards and she did. Punching paper while using a bag rest is a whole different ballgame than free-hand hunting.
"Goodtogo"Smaug the thread is about picking what you think is the "most accurate springer" not what will kill what? I put "HAVE to hit in the eye" to make you think what is your most accurate springer? Maybe I should post a picture of my kitchen table since it has two springers and a mrod on it most of the time. lol
Ah, OK. I misread that as a statement of fact, when it was a supposition to help decide which is most accurate.
Feinwerkbau Sport the new one just looks awesome sadly the internals are lacking and is a springy twangy gun. Love the stock and finish of it. Just makes me sad they didn't do the internals better because it would be a contender with the hw30s otherwise. 

Fw300s Is more or less widely know to be the best old target puncher at 10meters. That was widely available.

My Grandfather used to do target practice with a Walther lg 55 that I think might shoot decent. Not up with the FW300s and its been at the bottom of the sea for a few weeks so it needs a rebuild.