Mobile device Applications (apps) Android, Blackberry, IOS (apple) - Hunting ish

A small collection of applications I currently use while out in the 'field' are as follows. 

My current device is an Samsung Galaxy Note 4 running Android 5.x.x - I carry a spare fully charged battery and a solar battery reserve charger for any electronics that might need 'topping up' - couple 128GB Micro SDXC cards too for footage. They are in the wallet. 

Back Country Navigator Pro

EWeather HD

Strelok Pro

Chairgun Pro

ISS Detector

Google Maps

Audubon Birds, Mamals, Trees, Insects, Mushrooms, etc.

I also use the "state" applications for hunting regs so I can easily switch over to view what, if any regulations are at a specific area or species, etc. Or If I think what I am doing requires me to have a hunting license and I need to purchase one on the fly. 

Had been looking for an 'Edible Plants' app if anyone has any suggestions. Any other worth while applications I should have in the arsenal?