MOA at 25 yards is tough

1 MOA 0f .25", (.261"), is a very tough group for my HW95L. I have seen 1.5" to 2" groups but unable to hit the 1 MOA yet. This is with sand bags and shooting from a table. I believe that the rifle is able but suspect the 81 year old shooter. Excellent fun during the C-19 mess.

1 MOA at 25 yards = .25”.

Formula for circumference of a circle = Pi x D, (PI = 3.14159 x diameter).

There are about 5,655” in the circumference of a 25 yard circle, 25 x 2 x 3 x 12 x Pi 3.14159 = 5,654.9”. There are 21,600 minutes in a circle, 360 degrees x 60 minutes in one degree = 21,600.

25 yard circle of 5,655” divided by 21,600 minutes equals 1 MOA at 25 yards = .261”, rounded to .25” or ¼”.
I just went to the range this morning with my .20 R9 I shot this at 35 yards which is where it is sighted in, that's 5 pellets very light breeze.


I went out to the range again yesterday and managed this group at 55 yards with the same R9. I however I have turned it into an R11 at this point adding a barrel sleeve and stock from an R11. Four well behaved pellets and of course one that had to leave the party altogether 😡 The 4 shots that were "nice" measure .352'' ctc. (pay no attention to the pellet outside the circle 😞)
