Mirage and wind calls (video)

My pleasure guys.

Mirage is one of those things, the harder you look for it the harder it is to see. Its a lot like seeing the pellet in flight or spotting trace with a powder burner.

If you relax your eyes and “just watch” it helps a lot. I wish i could have made the camera do that so it showed up better, but what are ya gonna do!?
Thanks for the video, I watched this one. Shooting at 50x during competition mirage is very evident Being able to see the mirage 'screaming' off the target at 55yds can be deceiving though. What can look like a heavy breeze/wind can in fact be the heat/mirage moving off the target. I guess my tip would be not to read mirage directly from your target, it will fool you. Thanks for the videos.

BOIL can be the worst!, especially shooting in the morning with heavy dew or rain the night before the sun comes up heats up the ground and starts up the evap. Machine ha,ha! also with boil if it’s especially heavy making the bull on target look like it’s dancing around... so now the question is “ where is the bull & where do I aim to hit it correctly? Hopefully it “snaps” giving you the true aiming point on target.

I got to learn to read mirage and wind better particularly for some of my silo pigeon shots. Recently tried my first 100 yard shots on some pigeons sitting on the silo when I got there. I was sitting on the corner of a building with the wind coming one way but at the pigeons the wind was the opposite direction. I need to read the mirage if I can. Thanks for the tips. Bill