Lethal Duo vs Iguanas is up! (Video)

Great vid Erlis.

You guys are good together. Like Batman and Robin, Smith and Wesson, Briggs and Stratton, etc

I learned something watching it. Never knew lizards had to worry about ticks!


Lol Fuss, that was a good one!

Oh yeah, those lizards are full of ticks! The ones I've got at home are free of ticks but in that place I went hunting they were infected.

I sound like a broken record bro.. "Amazing videos and thank you for sharing!!" 😃 

These vids are so much fun to watch, and it's great seeing you and Steve having such a great time.
As I mentioned in a YT comment.. You two definitely made a great shooter/spotter combo, that's for sure!


Sam -

Thanks Sam! We had a great time shooting together. It's great to share these moments with the community too! I'm so glad about the positive feedback I'm getting from everyone, you guys really rock!