Know the disease of what you hunt...

After seeing the squirrel with the bot fly reminded me of a posted I wanted to write about hunters should be knowledgeable about the diseases they may encounter infecting the game they hunt.

I think this is as important as knowing the gun you hunt with or whatever means you use. This knowledge will protect you, your family, friends and pets for possible unintentional consequences of handling a diseased animal which could spread to the the former mentioned.

Once I was hunting coyotes and shot one, but when my buddy and I got over to it he said don't touch it is has mange, which he said could spread to my dogs. Well, we left the coyote where it lay for our own safety and the safety of our pets at home.

I really need to refresh my knowledge on the subject and I think we all should, knowledge is power and one thing I learned when it comes to all the work I did working with biologicals, I don't like surprises, so be prepared.

Here are some links I found and there are thousands of more links:

Disease precautions for hunters

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