Kalibrgun Cricket fill probe

The cheapest one is from China made of stainless, and it's only cost about 7$.
But it is not free shipping.
The No.2 type.
I wish they would have a industry standard probe. FX , Vulcan & Kalibr all take a different probe. One has to be very careful not to lose them changing probes from your fill source every time you use a different gun. Or better yet, just use the old reliable foster. I guess they just like to complicate things or want to be different from other manufactures. 
"intenseaty22"@QQ Do you have a link for those probes? They look pretty solid. 
@Blackdiesel Thinking the same thing. Get one just to have spare. Actually, which one are you looking at? If order can be consolidated, we can order together and mail to the other if you like. Just a thought. 
@Nutcracker + Capital One.
I was thinking about this one