JSB Hades .25

Yes you should try it. But maybe is the barrel. Mine has lw.They are accurate out to 70-80m but it is not a 100 m pellet from my rifle.they are also much more affected by wind then regular kings.

I’ll give it a try, cause the king heavy mkIs I’m shooting really accurate at 830-835. I just want to try them, normally I’m shooting the king heavys all the time. With the barrel this could be another reason.

thanks for ur answers bro. ✌️
Depend on the barrel, if you have high twist rate barrel then try 850 and lower, original ST should be fine with 900. I found STX with hades is very accurate up to 880, with slug barrel i found it be t best around 800-860 but I prefer 830 for quietness and shot count. Still a ton of energy if you hunt with it.

Thanks for your input.

i have the original ST on my Bobcat so I have to try the 900FPS range. I think with the speed I got with them right now it’s to fast.

