Is shoebox an compressor or booster?

Everytime someone new is looking for a compressor, someone will come and tell them get the shoebox. Is the shoebox a compressor? Cause it needs a shop compressor of about 100 psi and boost it up to 4500 psi, hence the name booster. Imo the shoebox is not a compressor but a booster. If the shoebox is a compressor, does all booster than require a shop compressor also a compressor? Just a thought. 
Anything that compresses air is a compressor. The shoebox is a 2 stage compressor and like any compressor each stage "boost" the incoming pressure for the next stage. In the case of a shoebox the first stage is your home air compressor and the 2nd and 3rd stages are provided by the shoebox.

Idk about that. If anything that compressor air is considered a compressor. I guess let's name all hand pump and booster compressor and lie to the customers who know little to nothing about compressor. Hey I got a compressor that pumps up to 4500 psi for only $500. Customers pays $500 for a compressor. Send him a Benjamin hand pump, make profits from it. Lol
An air compressor is a device that converts power (using an electric motor, diesel or gasoline engine, etc.) into potential energy stored in pressurized air (i.e., compressed air).

etc. can = muscle power i.e. hand pump! Even a syringe full of air attached to a balloon catheter to inflate the tip is a compressor!

As far as a customer making an uninformed uneducated purchase the rule today seems to be buyer beware! 

When defining terms there HAS to be a standard. We call it a dictionary in common terms! :p

Just curious here. I don’t think that you’re saying this but have you gone 350 hours without a rebuild? I’m a fellow F8 Shoe Box owner (not as many hours as you) and I think that it’s just fabulous. It’s slow but really... is it necessary to fill a 88 cubic foot tank in 20 minutes? It takes me about 2.5 hours to top off my tank; hardly a burden.

Yeah I can see the posters quandary about shoebox being a compressor or booster.I personally wouldn't spend money on anything else in the sub 1k price range,an f10 new is 500$ even if you don't have a shop compressor to start with it's well worth it to get one vs buying a cheaper stand alone alternative 4500psi unit.The shoebox is just reliable and easy to fix/rebuild if needed.😀👍