I hate rats

I hate rats and so I wage war on them whenever I can. You’ll usually find my rat killing posts over at the AirGunGuild or the GTA. Thought I’d share my hunts with the folks here too. Here’s last night’s hunt.


Came home just a bit before 9pm, had a feeling I might have a visitor, so took a look at Arlo, and bingo! A visitor at that very moment! But, someone moved my chair, and my wife and her sister were standing right there in my way. It was killing me to miss an opportunity. Finally I blurted out RAT! And they looked at me like I had lost my mind. 

I grab the Born Wild Shooting Chair and put in place and run fetch the Marauder and turn on the battery then the scope and everyone has left me the loco to take care of my “precious” rat. 

Drop the rifle in the sling, and desperately try to find the station 35 yards away. Did I mention that every light in the backyard was on and the ATN was getting somewhat blinded. The wind is blowing and when I finally find the station, the wind is blowing a tree branch in front of the rat. The light from the Arlo is blasting out the view of the Rattus making it even more of a challenge. I pause with the hopes the rat moves from behind the branch. Finally I can see kind of clearly and take the shot. Bam! 

Yeah... me too. Most dangerous 'game' in the history of mankind; probably responsible for more human deaths than any other mammal. Reason enough to extract vengeance,

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I have had quite a few rats get hit hard and leap off the feed station, thrash about and somehow do a SuperRat routine and make it into the heavy ivy and brush of the neighbor's yard. I smell them a few days later. Sigh. 

This week I've killed two rats (or was that three? hmmm) and either a mouse or a baby rat. Not sure. 
