HUMA regulator for Daystate Renegade .22

Out of the five that I've done, one of them was totally stuck, almost like it was loc tite on the tube. Make sure you remove the barrel, then put the breech in a vice (rubber or leather to protect the finish), and use another piece of sticky rubber like those kitchen jar removal type pieces to get a grip on the tube and turn it with both hands. If that doesn't work try using a hot air gun on the breech end for a few minutes to heat it up then try again... FYI, the air tube must be completely degassed or it certainly won't budge. 

Mike - So I just got a Huma regulator for my "new" Renegade (.22 cal). Reading your great instructions, I believed I had installed correctly - see the photo for how the assembly looked prior to going into the pressure tube. However, as I was pressuring up the tube after install around 150 bars or so, I had a sudden release of air - not all but about 50 bars of pressure lost. So I degassed the system and found that the o-ring on the regulator body itself had ruptured and had wedged itself between the regulator and the pressure tube. Took a bit of work, but finally got the regulator out. Any thoughts as to what I did wrong? When I assembled it all I was sure not to pinch the o-rings. Just FYI - I used a bit of silicone grease as you and others had mentioned and I removed the two factory larger o-rings found on the valve body prior to assembly. Any help would be appreciated! 


I alreday installed myself the Huma regulators for my Vulcan 2 .30 Cal and for my Evanix Rainstorm II .30 Cal and also went to my torn to adjust the original regulator of the Vulcan 2 .30 Cal to fit into my Jager .30 Cal.

Same story, more time to empty the air tube than to install them.

Belive it or not, at any distance, my Evanix II .30 Cal is my more accurate rifle. You may not expect more accuracy.

With the Huma on the Evanix fps decreased a little bit, but extreme accuracy is guaranteed on each single shot.

Hi centercut, I’m considering a pulsar or renegade hp.177 or mainly.22. Planning on shooting nsa slugs just would like your opinion. Thanks Gene

If you get a Pulsar I would get a HeliBoard for it. It just makes the gun so much easier to tune. Can't tell you about which slugs might work. I know on my .22 Red Wolf HP (Bleu) it LOVES the .217 JSB Knock Out slugs. So much so that they outperform the .22 JSB RD Monster pellets. The HP versions of the .22 Pulsar and Renegade have a similar barrel. 
Hi Mike,

Do you still have the spare Huma regulator? I want to get one for my Renegade .22.

Awesome post BTW - Renegade looks amazing and must perform amazing too.



Thanks. That gun was a laser. Should have kept it, since it was the first high end PCP that I bought.

Nope, I had it until I bought my .177 Pulsar. After installing the HeliBoard and tuning it for 20 FPE with the JSB RD Monsters, I decided to install the Huma and turn the gun into an Alpha Wolf... Set reg at 150 bar, and then finely tuned the 142, 152 and 162 bar settings on the HeliBoard. Shoots 815 FPS for about 100 shots with an ES of about 7 FPS. 

The gun is super accurate! Now I just have to learn how to shoot Field Target, since I got the coveted "Anchor position" (last place) at my latest tournament, the Sonoran Desert GP in Phoenix last weekend. 
Thanks for the prompt reply.

I will get the regulator from Huma directly then.

I saw you mention in another post something about a FX impact. Do you have it or have the experience with them?

I'm looking to buy a second PCP, but wanted to get a top one. In addition to that, I'm a mod freak, so the FX impact sounded best of both worlds.

Just wanted to check how is the FX impact compared to Renegade in your opinion - and how far off it is. Maybe top rifles like Red Wolf, FX impact will cost double but Renegade is not that far off.

Thanks again!

Yes, I have an Impact X that was a .30 with PP when I bought it. I turned it into a .25 Slugger which was my intention when I bought it. I know the better choice based on Matt's video is .22, but I'm stubborn and was told that .25 was not a good choice for slugs, and that .22 and .30 were better. So I decided to get a .25 and see if that was true. Its not. I ended up shooting the .25 NSA 43.5 grain slugs like a laser at 895 FPS. BC of about 0.110. Gun is good out to about 200 yards. MOA at 100 yards with 5 shot groups.

My Renegade was/is the most accurate gun I've ever owned. Many times I shot it at 50 yards and thought something was wrong with the gun when I saw only one hole after a couple of shots. I think overall the Daystate guns are more ACCURATE than the FX guns for PRECISION shooting. My Red Wolf is more accurate than my Impact, both shooting slugs, and the .22 Red Wolf HP is just easier to shoot with a better trigger. I like both, but if I was shooting at 100 yards for money with slugs I'd shoot Bleu (my .22 Red Wolf HP). 

I have a friend who is a VERY good shooter that was an FX fanboy, and had FOUR Impacts. About six months ago he shot a .22 Red Wolf HP, and was loaned one to shoot for a few months. Now he's all Daystate... I'd say if you're looking for a slugger to shoot out over 100 yards go with the Impact or Maverick. 100 yards and in definitely Daystate. 
That's a great summary. 

I guess it is exactly what I wanted to hear/read.

I always wanted to get an air wolf MCT, now the Red Wolf took its place. The reason I don't get one yet is only price. 

I think FX Impact would be a good alternative to spend some time with and enjoy/learn a bit about FX. Maybe after what you said I will wait and save to get a Red Wolf and be happy with it.

Thanks again!
Hi There,

Just wanted to let you guys know that I've followed the directions from @Centercut on how to install the regultador and it was piece of cake. (Thanks to Centercut one more time!)

Took me more time to de-gas the tank than anything else - also mentioned in this thread. After installed and charged, I could see the pressure in the gauge is stable at around 135/140 as set in the regulador.

I will try to do the chrono test and post some results.

